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Сбалансированные 2 расы: паладин и вампир

Полностью налажен баланс damage

Авто арены с лутом и без

Небесполезные данжи 

С одного тайла можно выкопать до 300 ингов любой руды

Нанесенные повреждения персонажа показываются всем игрокам

Исправлено огромное кол-во читов и багов 

Увеличено количество гп в каждом монстре. 

Официально разрешено использовать программу Injection

All damage you make on a target will be shown in digital meaning. Also, damage can be: Light(green), Medium (yellow) and Big (red)
New rideable animal - metal one-wheel bicycle.
You can use satellite to look map.
You can take any weight from a countainer.
All rideable animales (what you bought) are in shrink mode.
Only Real skills are shown.
It is always possible to equip something, what overloads you and not being afraid that it will drop out.
Corrected speach of the ghosts.

You can't land from raft on AM zone (player's private territory)New classses.
PKs can't recall to guard zone or use portals to guard zone.
During game start, youngs see how much time they have before they lose 'Young' title.
Guild chat using command .gu
Armour and weapons can lose their special abilities from 49% durability and less.
Russicficated tables for Russian clients.
Fractions of OSI type.
Online 'News' system.
Many bugs and cheats are fixed.

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